
You Can Never Leave the Past Behind ...HSC - Arya Subedi

Following the crisis dropped on them like a sack of hot coals, the committee decided to go into an un-moderated caucus to resolve the crisis about counties supplying arms and ammunition that resulted an unprecedented loss of lives  . The committee decided  to break into another un-moderated caucus  to discuss the peace treaty . Despite the committee being interrupted with updates of the crisis every other second, the delegates were determined to find a solution and not argue with each other so that no further time will be wasted. The delegates also did a mannequin challenge in the basketball court . After about half an hour of un-moderated caucuses and finally getting into a conclusion the delegates of the historic security council finally drafted a resolution .  The moderator also was gifted with 10 roses and was sung thinking out loud to as well .  Negotiations after negotiations  The committee finally came to an end with a crisis solving resolution .


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