

The committee was a quite active one on the second day with more delegates involved in the debate and they showed signs of deeper involvement in the debate by actually negotiating to find common ground. The committee came up with a resolution which was very detailed and was passed. After a successful resolution on the Boko Haram, the committee started discussing its second topic which is developing a Single Market in Africa. The general speaker’s list was active when the committee was hit by a crisis based on Boko Haram. The terrorist organization had taken over most of Nigeria. The committee participated in a discussion for the crisis in a moderated caucus with the delegate of South Sudan constantly reminding us of his value for ‘every single life’. 
A rather ‘smashing’ update was brought into the committee by members of the Boko Haram who slammed the door open, leaving it damaged and took away the committee’s vice chair who also seemed damaged when he came back. The Boko Haram representatives announced their conditions to the committee in a formidable way. The delegate of Libya was suspended for laughing at this grave time and not to be biased, but it was deserved. The committee actively discussed the crisis and the update and we hope they can save the lives of the millions of hostages who are at stake.


  1. The fact that the African Union was even mentioned is a testament to the need for MUNs at every high school! The kids at my school would have no idea about Boko Haram if it wasn't for the celebrity hashtags...
