
Interview with the Deputy Secretary Generals

Getting to know the Deputy Secretary Generals

How would you describe your leadership skills?
Abhaya: I like to be on top of everything. At times people don’t like it, it is considered too controlling. Otherwise, yeah I like to be on top of everything.
Aakash: I think I can make executive decisions at whim and that is a very important quality in a leader. I am pretty comfortable with ordering people around. 
What is the thing you like most about MUN? good food, delegates, debate or the delegate dance?
Abhaya:  Well if the debate is really good then that becomes the best part or else the delegate dance.
Aakash: god food, delegate.., definitely the food, the school has amazing food during MUNs
Does MUN so far match all your expectations?
Abhaya: Yeah, it’s been off to a really good start.
Aakash: I didn’t think it would but yes it does, surprisingly because there was not a lot of participation in the practice sessions but the delegates are living it.
What is your biggest fear for the conference?
Abhaya: I think it would be moments of… moments where everybody is so tired that they don’t really speak so that silence, nothing coming on the table. Stagnation. 
Aakash: my biggest fear is not everything run in the way I have planned it in my head because a lot of work has gone into preparations.
How would you describe a successful committee?
Abhaya: One that has veryyy fruitful debate which is in a linear manner so that the committee is progressive with its ideas and is reaching its end goal. Ideas converging into one. And of course a good resolution.
What makes this MUN different? What’s new?
Abhaya: Well firstly, it’s the second MUN in one year but I think what really makes it special is the kind of committees we have this year and the kinds of topics we are discussing. There is the ICC, FIFA and the India and Nepal cabinet; MUN this year is less conservative with more ideas and a wider range of topics. 
Aakash: For one, there are chocolates instead of roses, everyone likes them. There are two Deputy Secretary Generals, it’s the first time and there are more committees the ICC, FIFA, I guess that’s it.
Any tips for first timers?

Aakash: Don’t be scared, be confident and work hard. 


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