Security Council is on fire! The heat from these disputes seemed to warm up the
water in the South China Sea – the topic of the disputes. The minute the
General Speaker’s List began, it became clear that the day was going to be a
series of verbal bullets shot by both sides. Whose sea is it? – the question
arises time again. And we saw a sharp line being drawn between the two opposing
sides – one that supported China’s ownership and one that wanted the
neighbouring countries like Philippines, Japan and Vietnam to gain some part of
this major trade route.
the General Speaker’s List was soon pushed into the background after moderated
caucus topics were raised one after the other. The topic of “Foreign
Interference on the topic of the South China Sea” became the hot topic. A
record was seemingly broken after the moderated caucus was extended 3 times!
delegations of United States of America, the United Kingdom, France and Oman
strongly opposed China’s full ownership of the South China Sea whereas Russia
showed its friendship by supporting China on this topic. And soon enough the
topic of military came up. While China kept on highlighting the fact that USA
is sending its military forces in the South China Sea, USA defended it by
saying that it was doing so to be ready to act if China starts militarizing
Philippines and Vietnam. This gave birth to a vast reaction. Did USA have the
right to interfere? Is USA planning another proxy war against China?
rules of the UN were forgotten for a while as point of orders interrupted the
speakers, personal pronouns were used one after another and the delegates
practically jumped out of their seats to be recognized.
the excitement mellowed down as the clock ticked towards 11:35. An Unmoderated
caucus was put into function which then went on to the committee adjourning for
second half started with sleepy delegates wanting to have another break as soon
as possible but this drowsiness went away as soon as the delegate of Iran
entertained the committee by twerking. The delegation of France wanted to write
a communique as soon as possible so an Unmoderated caucus was initiated.
According to the communique, an economic alliance was to be established between
countries like USA, UK, France, Japan to divide the resources of the South
China Sea between them.
China soon expressed its outrage stating that it did not know about this
economic alliance. A war of words was exchanged between China, France and USA.
Tired of this show of ego between the nations, the chair intervened and gave a
5 minute break for them to cool down their heated minds. This issued in a
series of Unmoderated Caucuses that led to China sharing its own directive
which opposed the communique. However, this ended in failure due to France, USA
and UK using their Veto power.
the committee be able to pass a resolution? Will the committee highlight UN’s
function of peace? Will they come to an agreement? Find out by following our
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