
The Voice: Battle Between the Judges (ICC) - Sangya

The committee started a new topic today, The Keiffer affair, revolving around Simone Gbagbo and her men who were blamed for abducting and allegedly murdering Guy-Andre Keiffer. Keiffer, a 54 year old French-Canadian Freelance journalist, was one of the few foreign reporters in the conflict-ridden West Africa. He was last seen with Michel Legre who was the brother in law of Simone Gbagbo.
First, the office of the prosecutors started their opening statement by providing evidences which all gradually summed up to the accusation made. Keiffer was last seen with Michel Legre in a supermarket making Legre the main suspect of the case. Furthermore, due to his wide political connections, it had gathered him some enemies that threatened him through blocked numbers. All the suspected murders in this case were the men of Simone Gbagbo.
The debate was neck to neck when the Defense Council came up with a lot of concrete evidences. It was a table turner when the death of Michel Legre was mentioned in the committee. The accusation was now on Simone Gbagbo for having a mere relation with Legre.
Just as the judges were discussing the caucuses, the committee was introduced to a crisis. The crisis was about the arrest Hector Xavier Mosegur, the founder of Lulzec a hacking group associated with Anonymous). The hacking group, Anonymous, was accused of temporarily hacking the Russian government’s system. Many delegates failed to comprehend the crisis at first and many questions were answered by the dais. After all the confusion was cleared the judges moved into deliberation to discuss what would happen to Hector.
After an update about Wikileaks having a top secret information on the Russian government, the committee had to come up with a solution quicker. Anonymous had threatened to permanently cyber attack a country if Hector wasn’t released as soon as possible. The government of Russia was struggling to get back on its foot as the judges had contradicting statements on whether he should be arrested. Some delegates wanted to temporarily arrest Hector, while others wanted to release him to avoid any possible danger to any of the country.
Despite all odds, our determined delegates debated, discussed and came up with a verdict to successfully solve the crisis. The judges decided to arrest Hector and the crisis was over.


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